what if skies were paintings

q u i e t
photo blogs
for days
you've spent
a good
four and a half hours
and then you leave
only to find yourself
taking photos of 
c l o u d s
that look more like 
p a i n t i n g s
than what you've done
in four and a half hours.

tbh, this looks like an painting

the sun started to set

- nature's yolk -

more painting-esque clouds ~

attempted panorama

i tried to center the sun but oops

i thought this could be a super artsy photo

favorite shot of the day
i was walking when i took this
thank god it focused right

#overedited #cloudslikepaintings

#artsyfartsy #stillcantpaint #bertyoung
here )


ps. i won't apologize for this post
'cause the sky look pretty amazing
and i make so many bad posts anyways

jk im sorry