the bones of pure heroine

if you understood that title,
please contact me and we can be best friends

if you didn't, that's okay too

it's a mix between the two albums titles :
"The Bones of What You Believe" by CHVRCHΞS
and "Pure Heroine" by Lorde

and that's the title of today's post
because i have nothing better to talk about
other than these two beautiful albums
on this depressingly-overcast sunday
ugh, fall is meant to be my favorite season ...

CHVRCHΞS and Lorde
- let's talk

(1) Vocals : Lauren Mayberry & Ella Yelich-O'Connor

25 and 16 years old respectively,
i wouldn't mind being their best friends
or having them be my personal human jukebox,
as cruel as that may sound.

i don't want to give my opinion on who's a better singer
1) i don't know how to sing myself
2) they both are amazing

Lauren has the perfect voice for synth-pop, imo
and Lorde, well, you know what Lorde's voice is like

(2) Early Releases : "Recover" & "Royals"

although it is pretty obvious Lorde's "Royals" got a lot more attention
that CHVRCHΞS' "Recover",
you have to admit that more people are into indie-pop than synth-pop

personally, i love both tracks,
although i'm sort of over "Royals"
i've listened to it so much that 
if i got a quarter for every time i listened to it,
i'd be a millionaire (notice exaggeration)
i still get super excited when i find a nice remix or cover of the track
( The Weeknd's and The American Authors' are my favorites )

on the other hand,
"Recover" is still playing non-stop in my head.
even though it was released a month before "Royals",
it still manages to stay a track on my playlist
btw, lauren sounds great on this one c:

(3) Personal Favorite Track : "By The Throat" & "White Teeth Teens"

let's talk one by one on this

"By The Throat"

i just love the lyrics in this one
and how much Lauren's voice is heard
since usually the synth takes over in many CHVRCHΞS tunes
and ofc, who can forget the chorus line
" you know you know you know you know that you go too far "

"White Teeth Teens"

unlike most Lorde songs,
that give me a somewhat melancholy and calming feel ( yafeel? ),
this track gives me butterflies
like "First Love" by Adele,
it makes me feel all warm inside and i smile for no reason
is that just me?
am i just too weird?

aaaaand that's it

i just wanted to appreciate the fact
that i've played both their albums
at least 4 times each, just today

thanks for bearing with me HAHA
