lundi covers

im in love with this cover
'Michelle' is one of my favorite Beatles songs
and ugh rubblebucket is so perfect ❤
Kalmia Traver is like a voice goddessssss..
the cover takes the Beatles' love ballad
into a pschedelic indie rock piece
the french is gorgeous in Kalmia's voice UGH

i'd never heard Marilyn's original before i got to this cover
probably because i've never seen 'River of No Return'
which i will be watching
this week
because the original is amazing too
and Marilyn is beautiful ... ♡
but in the meanwhile, let's appreciate how great of a twist to the original this cover is

i've always loved Of Monsters and Men
and i cringed when little talks went mainstream
it was like my little piece of treasure i didn't want to share
#tear ☹
i love Yeah Yeah Yeah's dark, synth-heavy, chill-out tune
and how Nanna's voice transforms even these potentially very creepy lyrics
into a happier, somewhat anthemic tune
Nanna marry me, please?

i like this cover more than the original, sorry.
(but the Weeknd remix is the best #ofc )
the folk element makes royals
so much
it's like a garden party with balloons and fireworks
you know what im saying ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

when i found this cover
i think i did a little dance in my head
because i was so proud of myself for finding this
this cover is GOLD
The Calling's original is a favorite of mine
and Charlene's voice captures the longing-for-a-love-one feel so well
there are so many women with beautiful voices in this world
it's greatttt #GivesMeHope

let's end the post
with an Outstagram:

Outstagram 4:
/// white light ///
#sciencethings #professionalphysicist
